
Thyme 2024/03/01
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iWonder Typora Theme



A Typora theme I wanted.

A theme designed to sharpen the focus of the document.

**详情查看 Preview:** https://github.com/ThymeiWonder/theme.typora.iWonder
**直接下载 Download:** https://github.com/ThymeiWonder/theme.typora.iWonder/releases/latest
**我的主页 Homepage:** https://ThymeiWonder.github.io

小贴士: 如果无法查看详情或直接下载, 可以在https://github.com网站中搜索theme.typora.iWonder

Tips: If you can’t view preview or download directly, you can search for theme.typora.iWonder on website https://github.com

特性 | Feature

  1. 主题配色方案让重点更突出醒目, 详见下方预览.
  2. 提供更简化的标签快捷键, 配合自定义的标签颜色, 一键修改选中文本颜色.
  3. iWonder主题仅在Windows系统下做过测试, 无法确定Linux和Mac下效果.
  4. iWonder主题持续更新中.
  1. The theme color scheme makes the key points more prominent and eye-catching, as shown in the preview.
  2. Provide simplified label shortcuts, combined with custom label colors, to modify the selected text color with just one click.
  3. The iWonder theme has only been tested on Windows systems and cannot determine its effectiveness on Linux and Mac.
  4. The iWonder theme is constantly being updated.

私人订制 | DIY

通过修改iWonder > colorScheme > default.cssiWonder > fontScheme > default.css中的配置项, 可以任意修改本主题的字体和颜色.


示例:假设, 我想要修改一套红色, 宋体字体的主题, 那么我可以:

  1. 复制iWonder > colorScheme > default.css并将之重命名为red.css, 修改其中的颜色为红色系列.

  2. 复制iWonder > fontScheme > default.css并将之重命名为song.css, 修改其中的字体为宋体.

  3. 复制i-w-blue.css并将之重命名为i-w-red.css,

    修改其中@import url("iWonder/colorScheme/default.css");文本为@import url("iWonder/colorScheme/red.css"),

    修改其中@import url("iWonder/fontScheme/default.css");文本为@import url("iWonder/fontScheme/song.css").

  4. Typora中切换名为IWRed的主题.

You can modify the font and color of this theme arbitrarily by modifying the configuration items in iWonder > colorScheme > default.css and Font > fontScheme > default.css.

Advanced: customize the coexistence of multiple themes.

Example: suppose I want to change the theme of a set of red and song font, then I can:

  1. Copy red > colorScheme > default.css and rename it to red.css, and change the color to red series.

  2. Copy iWonder > fontScheme > default.css and rename it song.css, and change the font to Song font.

  3. Copy i-w-blue.css and rename it i-w-red.css.

    Modify @ import url ("iWonder/colorScheme/default.css"); text to @ import url ("iWonder/colorScheme/red.css").

    Modify @ import url ("iWonder/fontScheme/default.css"); text to @ import url ("iWonder/fontScheme/song.css").

  4. Switch the Typora theme named IWRed.

安装方式 | Install


  1. 点击此处下载.
  2. 解压安装包, 然后双击运行安装包中的setup.bat脚本.
  3. 重启Typora后, 切换主题(主题名格式:IWxxxx).


  1. 点击此处下载.
  2. 解压安装包, 将安装包中所有内容粘贴到主题目录.主题目录可通过Typora > 菜单 > 主题 > 打开主题文件夹打开.
  3. 重启Typora后, 切换主题(主题名格式:IWxxxx).

Quick Install✨

  1. DownLoad.
  2. Unzip the installation package, and double-click to run the setup.bat script in the installation package.
  3. Restart Typora and switch theme. (theme name format:IWxxxx).

Step by step Install

  1. DownLoad.
  2. Unzip and paste everything in the installation package into the theme folder. The theme folder can be opened fromTypora > menu> themes > open themes folder.
  3. Restart Typora and switch theme. (theme name format:IWxxxx).

快捷键 | ShortcutKeys

Function 功能 快捷键
Find 查找 Ctrl+F
Replace 替换 Ctrl+R
Strong 加粗 Ctrl+B
Emphasis 斜体 Ctrl+I
Strike 删除线 Ctrl+D
Underline 下划线 Ctrl+U
Highlight 高亮 Ctrl+H
Hyperlink 超链接 Ctrl+L
Code 代码块 Ctrl+K
CodeFences 多行代码块 Ctrl+Shift+K
Image 图片 Ctrl+Shift+I

预览 | Preview









