
Seeridia 2024/10/19
Homepage Download

Introduce 简介

Alto 保留了主题 Lapis 几乎所有的样式,在这基础上大幅修改了界面风格

The theme retains almost all of the writing area styles from Lapis , while Alto significantly adjusts the interface styles.

希望能在 一体化 的窗口样式下使用该主题

Please use this theme with “Unibody” in Window Style.

Preview 预览

Installation 安装

  1. Clone this repository or download from Latest Release.
  2. In Typora, open “Preferences” (File > Preferences). And then switch to the Appearance tab and click the “Open Theme Folder” button.
  3. Copy the alto.css files and the alto folder into Typora’s theme folder.
  4. In Typora, open “Preferences” (File > Preferences). And then switch to the Appearance tab and click the “Unibody” button.
  5. Restart Typora and select the Alto theme from the theme menu.

Credits 致谢

Notes 说明