
FishionYu 2020/08/03
Homepage Download



📘What is Blubook

🕵️ Blubook is a flat and Beautiful theme for Typora. This theme is good for writing.




​ 🕵️ Tips: Typora sidebar use File-List-Mode will be better.


  1. Download this zip from Github, extract this file, then you can get the blubook folder and blubook.css .
  2. Open typora, click PreferenceApperanceOpen Theme Folder .
  3. Put blubook folder and blubook.css into the open folder.
  4. Close Typora totally, reopen Typora and select Themeinside from the menu bar.

Designed and tested on macOS. Not fully tested, but should work for Windows/Linux. But this theme does not include styles for Windows “unibody” style.