
SprInec 2024/11/13
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一款令人如沐春风的 Typora 灵动主题
A refreshing and graceful Typora theme, like a gentle spring breeze.

English · 简体中文


Designed and tested on Windows. Not fully tested, but should work on macOS-Linux.

在 Windows 上设计和测试。尚未经过全面测试,但应该适用于 macOS/Linux。



1. Spring-themed color palette


2. Flexible interaction with different effects
3. Typora interface with unified style


  1. Use the following command in your terminal to clone this repository locally / or you can get the stable version compressed package from Releases and unzip it locally.

     git clone https://github.com/SprInec/typora-spring-theme.git
  2. Click ‘Themes’ in the menu of Typora, and click the ‘Open Theme Folder’ button to open it on the ‘Themes’ page.

  3. Copy the file spring.css into the opened Typora theme folder.

  4. Restart Typora, and then you can choose to use the Spring theme in the ‘Themes’ list.


This project is based on typora-mo-theme for secondary development of visual and interactive design. The template comes from typora-theme-Jinxiu-template.


This project is based on the MIT open source protocol. You can freely copy, modify and distribute the code of this project, but please keep the original author’s LICENSE.